Find You Self using Masking technology

Find You Self using Masking technologies

Masking technology – Another Door to the Future!

project about Masking

Masking technologies – project about Masking

Masking technologies in Psychology, Dance Masking, Casual Masking, Night Dream Masking and more. Equipment and Technologies, Modern and Ancient. Contemporary Time Management using Bio-Net.

Masking technology – a way to create a new “Me”, going beyond the limits of ordinariness and “outside view” to organize and Create the Future.

Types of Masks

Masking main application: masking personality, masking psychology, masking art, masking data, masking in multimedia, masking in chemistry, masking computer science, masking animation

Every day we use different masks. One mask for the work, another one for the home and family, the third one “Just for Fun!”, the fourth – when something is forgotten or lost, the sixth – when you are satisfied with the result, the seventh – for parents, the eighth – for unfamiliar people, and so on.

Conscious using of masks creates a common reality and shapes the future.

The Biointernet Mask devices for Creativity and Relaxation

The Biointernet Mask
The Biointernet Mask Classic
The Biointernet Mask official website launched!
Masks info