ADmin’s FAQ

ADmin’s FAQ on the process Q: What is the BADmin? A: BADmin – Biointernet ADministrator, the best person All Over the World! Q: What BADmins do? A: We are Working for the Future. BADmins create new Tracks for the People. Q: Why BADmins do it? A: For the Future and for the Money, for the … Read more

ADmin skills

For working like a good BADmin (Biointernet Administrator) you should to work with the Biointernet Modes, or another “Magical” practices You should to know Philosophy, Psychology, Marketing, Physics, Medicine, etc You should to work with Translighters devices (you can start from free Digital) Nice skills: programming, sales, cooking, etc Welcome to the Biointernet Administrators Family!

Translighters Games

One of the most remarkable acts of the Creator is the GAME! How do games arise? Who and what for created them? And what are the rules of these Creations? And how is the GAME OF THE GAMES have been formed? By what rules? With what figures? And what does the winner get? And what … Read more

Dynamic Vision Board

Dynamic Vision Board

Managing of Future Reality through Meta-Modeling practice. Installation of Dynamic Vision Board on the Internet, using Social Networks and Web Development projects.

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